If you find yourself locked out of your account, and unable to remember your password, here are a few ways to access your account. If you use Yola, Weebly, or WiX, skip to your section to find specific instructions. If you are still unable to access your account with the information below, please contact us at support@kliken.com with your website URL and a brief message.
Kliken Users: If you use my.kliken.com, you can use the forgot password feature to reset your password. If you're unable to remember your email address for your account, contact support@kliken.com with a brief message and include your website URL.
Yola + Kliken Users: You shouldn't need a password! Make sure to access Kliken from your my.yola.com dashboard under the Site Traffic tab --> Kliken.
Weebly Users: If you have the Stats and Marketing app installed, you can access Kliken from that Weebly app, or use weebly.kliken.com and login with your Weebly credentials.
WiX Users: Login to your WiX site, and open the page editor. Clicking into the Kliken app should present you with different options to open Kliken